International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics

22nd School:"From Cosmic Rays to Gravitational Waves: Now and to Come" Science_program     Attendees    Group    Poster AbnaKhakurdikar    Poster ChiaraBellenghiDSCF1821    Poster DiegoCorreiaDosSantosDSCF1845    Poster ElizaGazdaDSCF1831    Poster EnriqueHuescaSantiago    Poster JannisNecker    Poster deJesus    Poster JessicaLopezsanDSCF1824.JPG    Poster JFigueira    Poster JGMitchellDSCF1842    Poster LauraOliveraNieto    Poster Lea Heckman    Poster LentaDreyer    Poster LillyPyras;      Poster MargotBougheliba    Poster MartinHAMINH    Poster NGonzalez    Poster OrazioZapparrata    Poster OscarRomeroMatamala    Poster RCALDEON-ARDILA    Poster SBouma    Poster SimondeKockere    Poster SimonSteinmassi    Poster SPannyDSCF1833.JPG    Poster VardaVarmKizakkeCovilakam    Poster YXJANEYap    Banquet    Excursion    Dirac Lecture Theatre    <--lectures   -->

The International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics (ISCRA) was the of the first Schools founded in Erice, only five Schools are older. Now there are 126 International Schools. Some partial information on earlier ISCRA is here: Previous Schools. ISCRA was originally founded under the directorship of Bruno Rossi, but shortly afterwards Prof. Maurice M. Shapiro became the director and alma mater. He insisted on high standard, inviting the best physicists but only if they could lecture so as to inspire the new generations of students and he broadened the School to include senior practitioners in related disciplines such as Astronomy with instructions to provide as many connecting strands as possible, so that the attendees gained a wider perspective of their field. Several Nobel prize winners have attended and it is difficult to find any senior person in the Cosmic-Ray Astrophysics community who has not attended one of the Schools in Erice. Most of the winners of the three international awards in Cosmic Ray Physics, the O'Ceallaigh Medal, the Yodh Prize and the Shakti P. Duggal Award have attended ISCRA. There have also been many cases when attendees who first came as students, returned several years later as lecturers, a return which was particularly pleasing to Prof. Shapiro as he regularly challenged young students with the promise that if they developed and advanced to a high enough level, he would later invite them back as lecturers.
